Can't connect to aws elasticsearch cluster

I tried to install self managed app search with my existing aws elasticsearch cluster. but i got problem on installation process.

> $ docker run -ti \
> -e \
> -e secret_session_key=wkwk \

i got error message

{"message":"Authorization header requires 'Credential' parameter. Authorization header requires 'Signature' parameter. Authorization header requires 'SignedHeaders' parameter. Authorization header requires existence of either a 'X-Amz-Date' or a 'Date' header. Authorization=Basic ZWxhc3RpYzpjaGFuZ2VtZQ=="}

i think this issue same as Prevent inclusion of Authorization header. App search send authorization header to aws while if authorization header present, aws need another header to process request. How to prevent app search include authorization header ?


AWS managed Elasticsearch is not supported. Self-Managed App Search requires Elasticsearch with a free, basic license which you can download on


I think this is not license issue, but its ok, so i cant use aws cluster to connect app search.

Does Elastic Cloud service include basic license ? I will move my current cluster from aws to elastic cloud

Yes, Elastic Cloud includes a basic license (and beyond, if needed).

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