Can't downgrade to a correct version of elastic after an attempt to upgrade to 7.6.2

By mistake, I have the assumption that 7.6.2 is released on container and so I upgraded thee configurations and applied and ECK accepted the configuration.
Unfortunately the pods are failing to start and I can't rollback to 7.6.1.
Can anyone give me a workaround?

Edit: if you are experiencing a similar issue please refer to If you upgraded Elasticsearch to the wrong version first.

Hi @Ahmad_Al-Masry, that's an identified issue in our Github repository: Versions existence should be validated · Issue #2455 · elastic/cloud-on-k8s · GitHub.

Until we figure out the best way to fix it, I think you can try the following:

  • disable the validation webhook (kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration
  • apply the manifest with the rollbacked version
  • manually delete the Pod that is failing to start in the new unknown version (kubectl delete pod <pod_name>)

Once everything is back to its normal state, you can re-create the validating webhoook by reapplying ECK yaml manifests (the one you applied to install ECK).

With Versions existence should be validated · Issue #2455 · elastic/cloud-on-k8s · GitHub we'll try to figure out a better way to do that.

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It worked :slight_smile: