Can't dup NilClass event.get()

Hi there!

First sorry for my English.

I have a problem when I try to get the value from grok field. I'm using the event.get but when I try to pass this value to a Time.parse() I always get `Can't dup NilClass error'.


[ERROR] 2018-05-17 09:51:32.407 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass

My grok pattern is this:

    grok {
      match => { "message" => "(?:\[%{DATA:apache.date_dayname} %{DATA:apache.date_month} %{DATA:apache.date_day} %{DATA:apache.hour} %{DATA:apache.date_year}\]) (?:\[%{DATA:apache.event}?:%{DATA:apache.event_result}\]) (?:\[%{}\]) (?:\[client %{DATA:apache.ip}?:%{DATA:apache.port}\]) %{DATA:apache.errorcode}?: user %{DATA:apache.user}?: authentication %{DATA:apache.auth_result} for %{DATA:apache.urlaccess}?:" }

And my ruby code:

 ruby {
       code => "
         require 'time';
         hour = event.get('%{apache.hour}');
         arg = Time.parse(hour);
         ini = Time.parse('08:00:00');
         fin = Time.parse('17:00:00');
         if (arg.hour >= ini.hour) and (arg.hour <= fin.hour)


This should be

hour = event.get('apache.hour');

Using . in a field name will work most of the time, except for those times where it does not work. It is unsupported. If you want hour to be nested inside apache then change both references to be [apache][hour]

I changed de grok pattern:


And the event.get line:

hour = event.get('test');

But the error persist. I don't understant, because if I set this value to another field:

event.set('office_hour', hour)

The finally value into office_hour is correct.

The error could be related to your excessive use of DATA patterns. Those are a performance killer anyway so I suggest you rewrite the grok expression to use more exact patterns. If it still doesn't work, post your updated configuration and an example event produced by Logstash (use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } output).

Hi Magnus, thanks for your response.

Firstly I update the grok pattern to use more exact patterns:

(?:\[%{DAY:dayname} %{MONTH:month} %{DATA:day} %{TIME:hour} %{YEAR:year}\]) (?:\[%{WORD:event}?:%{WORD:resultevent}\]) (?:\[pid %{NUMBER:pid}\]) (?:\[client %{IPV4:ipdirection}?:%{NUMBER:port}\]) %{WORD:errorcode}?: user %{USERNAME:user}?: authentication %{WORD:authresult} for %{DATA:urlaccess}?:

My configuration:

input {
  beats {
     port => "5046"

filter {
 grok {
      match => { "message" => "(?:\[%{DAY:dayname} %{MONTH:month} %{DATA:day} %{TIME:hour} %{YEAR:year}\]) (?:\[%{WORD:event}?:%{WORD:resultevent}\]) (?:\[pid %{NUMBER:pid}\]) (?:\[client %{IPV4:ipdirection}?:%{NUMBER:port}\]) %{WORD:errorcode}?: user %{USERNAME:user}?: authentication %{WORD:authresult} for %{DATA:urlaccess}?:"}

geoip {
    source => "ipdirection"

ruby {
    add_field => {"office_hour" => "outoftime"}
    code => "
      require 'time'
      h = event.get('hour');
      arg = Time.parse(h);
      inicio = Time.parse('12:00:00');
      final = Time.parse('15:00:00');
      if (arg.hour >= inicio.hour) and (arg.hour <= final.hour)

 if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
    drop { }

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [""]
    index => "apacheaccesslog"

 stdout {
    codec => rubydebug

But the error persist, the output of the terminal is always:

[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.835 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.836 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.847 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.847 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.847 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.848 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.848 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.848 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.848 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.849 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.849 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.849 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.849 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass
[ERROR] 2018-05-28 09:15:46.850 [Ruby-0-Thread-10@[main]>worker0: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:385] ruby - Ruby exception occurred: can't dup NilClass

Is the grok filter always successful, i.e. is the hour field always set?

Yes. If I comment the ruby code, an example of event produced by Logstash is this:

           "hour" => "13:57:45.241518",
           "tags" => [
        [0] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied"
         "source" => "/var/log/httpd/error_log",
          "event" => "auth_basic",
     "authresult" => "failure",
           "port" => "54725",
    "ipdirection" => "",
           "year" => "2018",
           "user" => "USER_LONDON",
         "offset" => 1220043,
      "urlaccess" => "\"/kibana\"",
          "month" => "May",
      "errorcode" => "AH01617",
    "resultevent" => "error",
           "beat" => {
            "name" => "formacionkibana",
        "hostname" => "formacionkibana",
         "version" => "6.2.4"
     "@timestamp" => 2018-05-28T10:07:01.011Z,
        "dayname" => "Fri",
            "day" => "11",
       "@version" => "1",
           "host" => "formacionkibana",
        "message" => "[Fri May 11 13:57:45.241518 2018] [auth_basic:error] [pid 7014] [client] AH01617: user USER_LONDON: authentication failure for \"/kibana\": Password Mismatch",
            "pid" => "7014",
     "prospector" => {
        "type" => "log"
          "geoip" => {
                    "ip" => "",
          "country_name" => "United Kingdom",
              "timezone" => "Europe/London",
              "location" => {
            "lon" => -0.1224,
            "lat" => 51.4964
              "latitude" => 51.4964,
         "country_code2" => "GB",
        "continent_code" => "EU",
             "longitude" => -0.1224,
         "country_code3" => "GB"
    "office_hour" => "outoftime"

Are you sure that's an event that didn't work with the ruby filter?

To narrow down the problem you can always comment out parts of the Ruby code.

1 Like


Finally the problem is the code order. Because I don't remove the events that do not do maching before the ruby code. If I put the conditional to remove events with "_grokparsefailure" before the ruby code I don't get any error.

This is the finally pipeline configuration:

input {
  beats {
     port => "5046"

filter {
 grok {
      match => { "message" => "(?:\[%{DAY:dayname} %{MONTH:month} %{DATA:day} %{TIME:hour} %{YEAR:year}\]) (?:\[%{WORD:event}?:%{WORD:resultevent}\]) (?:\[pid %{NUMBER:pid}\]) (?:\[client %{IPV4:ipdirection}?:%{NUMBER:port}\]) %{WORD:errorcode}?: user %{USERNAME:user}?: authentication %{WORD:authresult} for %{DATA:urlaccess}?:"}

geoip {
    source => "ipdirection"

 if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
    drop { }

if "_geoip_lookup_failure" in [tags] {
    drop {}

ruby {
    add_field => {"office_hour" => "outoftime"}
    code => "
      require 'time'
      h = event.get('hour');
      arg = Time.parse(h);
      inicio = Time.parse('12:00:00');
      final = Time.parse('15:00:00');
      if (arg.hour >= inicio.hour) and (arg.hour <= final.hour)

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [""]
    index => "apacheaccesslog"

 stdout {
    codec => rubydebug

Thanks for all magnus and Badger!

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