Cant find data/registry on Centos 7 with yum repository,

Hi, Im am testing configurations for a log file, and I want to use it many times, until the desired result is achieved, the problem is that I can not find the data/registry folder where the already processed files are checked. to delete it and try the same log file again

I have search the folowing paths, but they not exist:


also look for a .filebeat file, and nothing

any one knows where the registry is located?

@Incauto - As you can read in our documentation, the registry path will be, by default, set to ${}/registry. Depending on your installation "type" (i.e RPM, tarball, etc.), will correspond to a different value/location as described here.

Take note that, the registry stores its data in the subdirectory filebeat/data.json. It also contains a meta data file named filebeat/meta.json. The meta file contains the file format version number.

I hope that helps.

Tanks ropc, I have read the documentation, I have instaled filebeat via rpm, but there is no
/var/lib/filebeat folder, no changes on the filebeat.yml only in the input :

   - /root/diez*.log

and the output:

  pretty: true

the version installed is 7.5.2

@Incauto - I just tested in the lab with an RPM installation. The registry folder should be in /var/lib/filebeat/registry. If you are running Filebeat with sudo service filebeat start, it would be good to check the logs from journald. For example, you could run:

  • sudo journalctl -u filebeat > export.log and check the logs. You should find similar logs that will indicate where the registry / data files are located:
INFO        instance/beat.go:610        Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
INFO        registrar/migrate.go:104        No registry home found. Create: /var/lib/filebeat/registry/filebeat
INFO        registrar/migrate.go:112        Initialize registry meta file
INFO        registrar/registrar.go:108        No registry file found under: /var/lib/filebeat/registry/filebeat/data.json. Creating a new registry file.
INFO        registrar/registrar.go:145        Loading registrar data from /var/lib/filebeat/registry/filebeat/data.json
INFO        registrar/registrar.go:152        States Loaded from registrar: 0

Alternatively, you can also run Filebeat in the foreground with debug logging with the following command:

  • sudo filebeat -d "*" -e , which will give you similar logs with additional debug logs. That could be handy, especially if there is a problem with Filebeat or the configuration.
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Thanks rocp

so, I was running filebeat with this command, similar when I run a conf in logstash:

bin/filebeat -c /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml

I never start filebeat as a service, maybe thats why the directories weren't created, still a mystery where the pointer where stored before, but its all working now.

Thanks again Romain, you have been very helpful

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You're most welcome @Incauto :slightly_smiling_face:

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