Cant find installed plugin

Hi I am creating a new logstash output plugin and I'm trying to test it with logstash 5.5.1
I install it with bin/logstash-plugin install path/to/logstash-output-azure-0.1.1.gem
the out put is

Validating /path/to/logstash-output-azure-0.1.1.gem
Installing logstash-output-azure
Installation successful

my plugin has this

class LogStash::Outputs::LogstashAzureBlobOutput < LogStash::Outputs::Base
  config_name "logstash_output_azure"

  config :storage_account_name, valdiate: :string, required: false

  config :storage_access_key, valdiate: :string, required: false

  config :container_name, valdiate: :string, required: false

  config :size_file, validate: :number, default: 1024 * 1024 * 5
  config :time_file, validate: :number, default: 15
  config :restore, validate: :boolean, default: true
  config :temporary_directory, validate: :string, default: File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'logstash')
  config :prefix, validate: :string, default: ''
  config :upload_queue_size, validate: :number, default: 2 * (Concurrent.processor_count * 0.25).ceil
  config :upload_workers_count, validate: :number, default: (Concurrent.processor_count * 0.5).ceil
  config :rotation_strategy, validate: %w[size_and_time size time], default: 'size_and_time'
  config :tags, :validate => :array, :default => []
  config :encoding, :validate => ["none", "gzip"], :default => "none"

  attr_accessor :storage_account_name, :storage_access_key,:container_name,

my config file config/logstasg.conf

output {
    logstash_output_azure {
        storage_account_name => "someaccount"
        container_name => "somename"
        storage_access_key => "somekey"

when i start logstash with bin/logstash -f config/logstash.conf
I get the following errors

[2017-08-15T15:32:38,631][ERROR][logstash.plugins.registry] Problems loading a plugin with {:type=>"output", :name=>"logstash_output_azure", :path=>"logstash/outputs/logstash_output_azure", :error_message=>"NameError", :error_class=>NameError, :error_backtrace=>["/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/plugins/registry.rb:226:in `namespace_lookup'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/plugins/registry.rb:162:in `legacy_lookup'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/plugins/registry.rb:138:in `lookup'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/plugins/registry.rb:180:in `lookup_pipeline_plugin'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/plugin.rb:140:in `lookup'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:100:in `plugin'", "(eval):8:in `initialize'", "org/jruby/ `eval'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:72:in `initialize'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:156:in `initialize'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb:286:in `create_pipeline'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/agent.rb:95:in `register_pipeline'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/runner.rb:314:in `execute'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/clamp-0.6.5/lib/clamp/command.rb:67:in `run'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/logstash-core/lib/logstash/runner.rb:209:in `run'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/clamp-0.6.5/lib/clamp/command.rb:132:in `run'", "/path/to/Downloads/logstash-5.5.1/lib/bootstrap/environment.rb:71:in `(root)'"]}
[2017-08-15T15:32:38,649][ERROR][logstash.agent           ] Cannot create pipeline {:reason=>"Couldn't find any output plugin named 'logstash_output_azure'. Are you sure this is correct? Trying to load the logstash_output_azure output plugin resulted in this error: Problems loading the requested plugin named logstash_output_azure of type output. Error: NameError NameError"}

I have checked and the plugin apears to be installed when using bin/logstash-plugin list

I don't know why it fails to work

1 Like

Try this

bin/logstash-plugin list --verbose

This Will list installed plugins with version information

I can see my plugin is installed with the correct version logstash-output-azure (0.1.1)
I think the problem might be with the configuration file

I think the problem might be related to this
Problems loading the plugin with {:type=>"output", :name=>"logstash_output_azure"}
that's not hte plugin name that is the config_name specified in the gem.
does the gem name and the config name need to be the same?

Plugin loading works a bit like this:

output {
  logstash_output_azure { ... }
  1. This causes Logstash to ask the internal plugin registry if any output plugin exists with the name logstash_output_azure.
  2. At first, this will not be found, so Logstash will try to look for it.
  3. Logstash will try to load a file logstash/outputs/logstash_output_azure (āœ“#L153-L156)
  4. require may throw a LoadError if the file is not found, and Logstash ignores this error in the hopes that perhaps this plugin is actually defined elsewhere already.
  5. Then it asks the LogStash::Outputs namespace for any class with the matching config_name (āœ“#L217-L228)
  6. If no plug is found in the namespace check, we raise NameError.

My guess is that your plugin fails silently at step 4 where Logstash is expecting your plugin to be logstash/outputs/logstash_output_azure.rb but fails to load. You can check this in your logstash by editing logstash-core/lib/logstash/plugins/registry.rb in the legacy_lookup method and printing something in the rescue LoadError block.

Hello, Im working in the same plugin as @jaime_loom as a contributor. And I saw that there was a commit to print more specific error messages (

And now I can see that it didn't find the plugin on logstash/outputs/ indeed and threw the LogStash::PluginLoadingError. But the question is, why it didn't find? What are we missing ? Something on the conf file? Something with the gemspec? The plugin was validated and installed. should we manually put it somewhere else?

You can see more details in my post on

nevermind, I found out what was wrong, it was some file name

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