Can't get any other state on a process exept Running state on Metricbeat

Hey :slight_smile:
I can't get any other state on a process exept Running state on Metricbeat.
According to the documents it's said that it can give you the state of the process under the module SYSTEM and under the metricset PROCESS.
But I'm getting only documents on all processes only with a Running state.
I tried to run the service of metricbeat with high privilege user (local admin) but still, no difference.
On the documentation it's said the the metricset PROCESS_SUMMARY can give you also the state, and its even specific them.
But i don't get any information about any process with this type of metricset, just documents with no so helpful information.
Is there any update on the subject?
Am i missing something?
The whole point of this specific cluster i made, is to monitor processes across the organization.
Thank you.

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