Can't install coustom plugins

output error.

[root@soc logstash-5.6.8]# bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-ip2location-1.0.2.gem 
Validating logstash-filter-ip2location-1.0.2.gem
Installing logstash-filter-ip2location
Error Bundler::InstallError, retrying 1/10
An error occurred while installing logstash-core (5.6.8), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install logstash-core -v '5.6.8'` succeeds before bundling.
Error Bundler::InstallError, retrying 2/10
An error occurred while installing logstash-core (5.6.8), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install logstash-core -v '5.6.8'` succeeds before bundling.

i test in no proxy env the error is also.

Try running this and see if you get any errors:
bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-ip2location

If you get an error, how did you install logstash? What platform are you using?


platform: centos 7.3 x86_64
use rpm or .tar.gz file to install logstash from elastic the error is also

Did you try running this?

What error did you get?

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