I recently had to migrate data from one index to another and wanted to maintain the original timestamps as in the original index. I have used the date plugin to achieve the same and it seems to work when I pipe the output to a local JSON file on my computer but fails when I push it to Elasticsearch and preview the documents in Kibana. I have attached my Logstash config file, can someone help me understand why the intended change isn't taking effect in the database?
input {
elasticsearch {
cloud_auth => "my_auth"
cloud_id => "my_cloud_id"
index => "logistic_index"
query => '{ "_source": ["message"], "query": { "query_string": { "query": "\\[ELK\\]", "fields": ["message"] } } }'
filter {
mutate {
gsub => [
"message", ",", "",
"message", "}", "",
"message", "{", ""
date {
match => ["@timestamp", "MMM dd, yyyy @ HH:mm:ss.SSS"]
target => "@timestamp"
kv { }
output {
elasticsearch {
cloud_auth => "my_auth"
cloud_id => "my_cloud_id"
index => "logistic_index_new"