Can't parse Linux OS generated log files in windows environment with file input plugin

Any one ran into this problem:
log files generated by a Linux system which is stored as *.log, can not be parsed in windows environment.

Specifically, I have my logstash conf to read *.log files in a folder: the Linux OS generated ones could not be parsed, and the windows can.
I then tried to copy paste contents in the Linux generated log files in a new txt file and then it worked.

I can't figure out why. Does anyone know? Thanks!

My conf file is as follows:
input {
stdin {}
file {
path => "C:/1LOGS/test1/data//file.log"
start_position => beginning

output {
stdout {
codec => rubydebug

Check this out:

Add a charset to the plain codec on your input filter:

input {
  stdin {}
   file {
       path => "C:/1LOGS/test1/data/*/file*.log"
       start_position => beginning
       codec => plain {
           charset => '????'

Replace the ???? with a character set that is appropriate for your input file.

Thanks for the detailed reply.

It turns out the cause to my problem is the fact that my log files are too old. The post I stumbled into helped:

As @Wayne_Taylor pointed out, the file plugin seems to have a default setting to not read any log events that are more than 24 hours old.

Is there any way to work around it?


Take a look at this:

I think you need the ignore_older option, which should allow you to set a value less than the default 24 hours.