Thanks for the detailed reply.
It turns out the cause to my problem is the fact that my log files are too old. The post I stumbled into helped:
I'm starting off with Logstash, working through the tutorials. I find the plugin documentation very lacking for someone with no experience with logstash. Here is the config file I am starting with:
input {
file {
path => "/Users/brad/Workspaces/unirisk.python/logstash/files/perflog.csv"
start_position => beginning
output {
stdout { }
I am running logstash on a Macbook Pro, version 1.5.4, installed via homebrew. My startup is:
logstash -f test.conf
This s…
As @Wayne_Taylor pointed out, the file plugin seems to have a default setting to not read any log events that are more than 24 hours old.
Is there any way to work around it?