Can't push decimal numbers

I am having a problem getting decimal numbers in the ES

as shown below:


I have an "ASR" that is 0.9, but when I use the following query:
GET filebeat-*/log/_search
"query": {


      "must": [
        { "match": { "ASR": "0.9"}}

I get:

> {
>   "took": 1,
>   "timed_out": false,
>   "_shards": {
>     "total": 2,
>     "successful": 2,
>     "failed": 0
>   },
>   "hits": {
>     "total": 0,
>     "max_score": null,
>     "hits": []
>   }
> } 

The log its self is as following:


Help will be great I am gravely under pressure on this subject.

Did you try to remove the qoutes?

Yes, I tried :frowning:
Also in the visualization, it shows as if there is only 0 or 1

What is the mapping for that field?

I actually solved this by pushing in percentage instead of decimal such as instead of .5 => 50, but I am still interested why is this happening, so here is my mapping:

"ASR": {
"type": "long"

Sorry, i'm not used to mapping.
I just always index the data directly

In order to store floats, you need to map the field as float or double instead of long. This will require reindexing.

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