Can't reindex: Error extracting routing: Routing values must be strings

I can't reindex, I get this error

  "failures": [
      "index": "metricbeat-000003",
      "cause": {
        "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
        "reason": "Error extracting routing: Routing values must be strings but found [START_ARRAY]",
        "caused_by": {
          "type": "parsing_exception",
          "reason": "Routing values must be strings but found [START_ARRAY]",
          "line": 1,
          "col": 36
      "status": 400

Any idea what is happening?
I do have a ingest pipeline that converts the into a string and name into process.pid_s, I noticed some documents the doesn't exist because metricbeat had an error, so I am filtering them out, but still I can't reindex them
This is how I'm reindexing:

POST _reindex?wait_for_completion=true
  "source": {
    "index": ".ds-metricbeat-8.6.1-2023.03.03-000003",
    "query": {
      "bool": {
        "must": [
            "match": {
              "": "process"
            "exists": {
              "field": ""
        "must_not": [
            "exists": {
              "field": "error"
  "dest": {
    "index": "metricbeat-000003"

Here's a more mysterious piece of the puzzle:
This metricbeat spans over 4 days, if I do it all at once it doesn't work, but if I do a reindex day by day then it works, how is that possible?

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