I've had success with older versions of ElasticSearch (1.0.x) on Fedora. I now need to install ES 1.5 on CentOS 7. Getting ES to run on CentOS 7 is easy but I'm having trouble running it as a service. I'm aware of the following page for setting up ES as a service on Linux:
CentOS 7 has moved from chkconfig to systemd. I've tried installing via rpm but I'm getting an error when starting via /bin/systemctl
; when running sudo /bin/systemctl start elasticsearch.service
(after running daemon-reload and enable) the service is not starting. Alternatively, I've tried installing ES via a tarball but in that case I can't find the elasticsearch service unit file that should be placed in /etc/sysconfig. It appears that the tarball doesn't contain the service file that used to exist for ES 1.0.
Are there recommendations on how to set up a systemd service via a tarball? What should the service unit file look like.
and run it as a service. When I use the RPM installation method,