I am trying to use the maps visualization in kibana with the geo_ip but the maps dashboard dont know where are the fields of geo_ip.
In logstash I use the geo_ip in filter like:
source => "client_ip"
In Kibana I create and map the field location to the type geo_point:
"location": {
"type": "geo_point"
with the debug print of logstash I can see the info of the function geo_ip :
"geoip" => {,
"country_code2" => "EN",,
"region_code" => "12",,
"ip" => "",,
"postal_code" => "2336-003",,
"city_name" => "Parede",,
"timezone" => "Europe/Paris",,
"latitude" => 31.6928,,
"country_name" => "France",,
"region_name" => "Paris",,
"continent_code" => "EU",,
"country_code3" => "PT",,
"location" => {,
"lat" => 31.6928,,
"lon" => -10.3541,
"longitude" => -10.3541,
What I have to do to maps recognize the geoip info?
Thank you