I'm trying to extract some data from an oracle db containing KPIs to our graphing tool which is based on graphite.
I'm can easily get the data from the DB with the logstash-input-jdbc plugin
"instance" => "1.6",
"@timestamp" => 2017-10-12T10:10:02.398Z,
"event_date" => 2017-10-12T08:00:00.000Z,
"host" => "cohosted2",
"@version" => "1",
"description" => "Valid_SM_Status_User_Error",
"sms_type" => "MO/Valid_SM",
"value_sum" => 127.0,
"type" => "yearly_kpi"
But when trying to send the datas to graphite using this configuration :
if [type] == "yearly_kpi" {
graphite {
metrics => { "SMSC/%{host}/YEARLY_KPI/%{sm_type}/%{description}/%{instance}/per_hour" => "%{value_sum}" }
timestamp_field => "event_date"
host => "opkibws1"
port => "2003"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
I got no output and the following error message into logstash-stderr.log : Could not load : can't convert nil into String
I got the feeling that the fields are not available anymore.
How could I get it work ?