Canvas: how to make stacked area chart?

To make a stacked chart, you need to pass the stack parameter to the seriesStyle function used by the defaultStyle or seriesStyle parameters for plot. The stack parameter takes a number that serves as the id for the stack and stacks any series given that same id number. If you set stack in defaultStyle, this stack id will be applied to all of the series in your plot. If you set stack in seriesStyles, it'll stack any series given the same stack id number.

Here's an example of a line chart using demodata:

| demodata
| mapColumn "time" expression={getCell "time" | formatdate format="MMM YYYY"}
| pointseries x="time" y="mean(price)" color="state"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle lines=1 fill=1 stack=1} 
     palette={palette "#1ea593" "#2b70f7" "#ce0060" "#38007e" "#fca5d3" "#f37020" "#e49e29" "#b0916f" "#7b000b" "#34130c" gradient=false}
| render

Here's an example as a bar chart using the same data:

| demodata
| mapColumn "time" expression={getCell "time" | formatdate format="MMM YYYY"}
| pointseries x="time" y="mean(price)" color="state"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle bars=0.5 fill=1 stack=1} 
    palette={palette "#1ea593" "#2b70f7" "#ce0060" "#38007e" "#fca5d3" "#f37020" "#e49e29" "#b0916f" "#7b000b" "#34130c" gradient=false}
| render

Here's an example with only the done and running series stacked:

| demodata
| mapColumn "time" expression={getCell "time" | formatdate format="MMM YYYY"}
| pointseries x="time" y="mean(price)" color="state"
| plot defaultStyle={seriesStyle bars=0.5 fill=0.3} 
    seriesStyle={seriesStyle label="done" stack=1 fill=0.3} 
    seriesStyle={seriesStyle label="running" stack=1 fill=0.3}
    palette={palette "#1ea593" "#2b70f7" "#ce0060" "#38007e" "#fca5d3" "#f37020" "#e49e29" "#b0916f" "#7b000b" "#34130c" gradient=false}
| render