Canvas Time Filter When Adding Kibana Objects

Hi there,

I have a Canvas with a time filter and I'm looking into adding some existing Kibana objects into my new Canvas. I see that each of the Kibana objects I add into my Canvas has line similar to this ...

savedVisualization id="32789d80-ed30-11ea-b3e4-3d45ca554330" timerange={timerange from="now-15m" to="now"}

Would it be possible to have each of this objects use the time filter I have in my Canvas?



The timefilter for Kibana objects and the Canvas timefilter aren't an exact match because the Canvas timefilter is tied to a specific field, whereas the Kibana object just needs a time range and then will use the default time field for that index.

You can modify your expression to put filters | at the beginning, and it will pass those filters on to the Kibana Object, and they will work, you'll just be in this weird state where you'll be using multiple time filters (the time range on the object, and the Canvas time filter). So just expand the Kibana object range out further than the Canvas Filter and it will work as expected, just the UI will show that expanded range.

It is on the Canvas roadmap to improve the filtering experience, for this very reason you mention.

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You can add Filter | at the beginning to get the canvas time filters into it.

Also have a look here for examples

Got it, thanks @corey.robertson

Thanks @Felix_Roessel for the help and for pointing me out to the examples

FYI, I just did some extra testing and realized the chart are still showing data based on the Kibana object filter time frame and not on the Canvas filter time frame.

@azulgrana Ahh yes I see it uses the Kibana Object Filter for the time range (on a chart for example), but still filters out using the Canvas Filter.

Not sure of a way to work around that right now.

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