Case In-Senstive Sort

I've been using elastic searh 5.5.0. And I've noticed that my sorting is not working properly. The results i get from search were not sorted as expected, they were being sorted on the basis of ascii value's.
Actual Output


Expected Output


I used analyzers with filter "lowercase" and "asciifolding" But failed to get the desired result.

Could you provide a full recreation script as described in

It will help to better understand what you are doing.
Please, try to keep the example as simple as possible.

I'm using NEST to implement this and here is the complete Method Implementation:
public static CreateIndexRequest GetIndexMapping(string index)
var newIndex = new CreateIndexRequest(index);
newIndex.Settings = new IndexSettings();
newIndex.Mappings = new Mappings();
newIndex.Settings.Analysis = new Analysis();
newIndex.Settings.Analysis.Analyzers = new Analyzers();
newIndex.Settings.Analysis.Normalizers = new Normalizers();
newIndex.Settings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add(Constant.ANALYZER, new CustomAnalyzer() { Tokenizer = "keyword", Filter = new List { "lowercase", "asciifolding" } });
newIndex.Settings.Analysis.Normalizers.Add("KeywordNormalizer", new CustomNormalizer() {Filter = new List { "lowercase", "asciifolding" } });
var indexTypes = new string[] { Constant.USER_TYPE, Constant.GROUP_TYPE, Constant.CONTACT_TYPE, Constant.COMPUTER_TYPE, Constant.OU_TYPE, Constant.HISTORY_TYPE };
foreach (var item in indexTypes)
var typeMapping = new TypeMapping();
typeMapping.DynamicTemplates = new DynamicTemplateContainer();
// text template
var stringTemplate = new DynamicTemplate();
stringTemplate.MatchMappingType = "string";
stringTemplate.Match = "*";
var property = new TextProperty() { Type = "text", Analyzer = Constant.ANALYZER, SearchAnalyzer = Constant.ANALYZER };
property.Fields = new Properties();
property.Fields.Add("keyword", new KeywordProperty() { Type = "keyword", IgnoreAbove = 1000});

                stringTemplate.Mapping = property;
                // long template
                var longTemplate = new DynamicTemplate();
                longTemplate.MatchMappingType = "long";
                longTemplate.Match = "*";
                var longProperty = new NumberProperty() { Type = "long" };
                longProperty.Fields = new Properties();
                longProperty.Fields.Add("keyword", new KeywordProperty() { Type = "keyword", IgnoreAbove = 1000});
                longTemplate.Mapping = longProperty;
                // bool template
                var boolTemplate = new DynamicTemplate();
                boolTemplate.MatchMappingType = "boolean";
                boolTemplate.Match = "*";
                var boolProperty = new BooleanProperty() { Type = "boolean" };
                boolProperty.Fields = new Properties();
                boolProperty.Fields.Add("keyword", new KeywordProperty() { Type = "keyword", IgnoreAbove = 1000});
                boolTemplate.Mapping = boolProperty;
                // binary template

                typeMapping.DynamicTemplates.Add("ImanamiThumbnailTemplate", GetBinaryTemplate("*thumbnail*"));
                typeMapping.DynamicTemplates.Add("ImanamiPhotoTemplate", GetBinaryTemplate("*photo*"));
                typeMapping.DynamicTemplates.Add("ImanamiPictureTemplate", GetBinaryTemplate("*picture*"));
                typeMapping.DynamicTemplates.Add("ImanamiStringTemplate", stringTemplate);
                typeMapping.DynamicTemplates.Add("ImanamiLongTemplate", longTemplate);
                typeMapping.DynamicTemplates.Add("ImanamiBoolTemplate", boolTemplate);
                newIndex.Mappings.Add(item, typeMapping);
            return newIndex;

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