Case insensitive wildcard search in 7.17.0

I'm running Elasticsearch 7.17.0, and when I try to run the following query:

GET index_name/_search
  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "fieldName.subfield": "*view",
      "case_insensitive": true

I get the following error:

        "type" : "parsing_exception",
        "reason" : "[wildcard] query doesn't support multiple fields, found [subject.wildcard] and [case_insensitive]",
        "line" : 6,
        "col" : 27

Documentation indicates case-insensitive wildcard search has existed since 7.10, so I'm curious about the error.


Try this:

GET index_name/_search
  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "fieldName.subfield": {
        "value": "*view",
        "case_insensitive": true

Hooray thank you!

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