Central Management (Beta)

I'm trying out Enroll Beat feature, yet when I issue following command, I get error::

# filebeat enroll https://k.X.com 91595fa7b82f421a9a9b9e0defaea9fe
Error while enrolling: fail to execute the HTTP POST request: Post https://k.X.com:5601/api/beats/agent/d85d2133-0386-3f7c-654a-a64c3b76323c8: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

even though I specified one URL, from output I see filebeat is trying to get to URL + port 5601.

How do I enforce not go to port 5601?

Please advise.

Hello @alexus,

By default when no ports are specified we just use 5601, if you the correct port to the url we should use that one. Assuming your port is ABC something like this should work:

filebeat enroll https://k.X.com:ABC 91595fa7b82f421a9a9b9e0defaea9fe
# filebeat enroll https://A.B.C:443 XYZ
Error while enrolling: fail to execute the HTTP POST request: Post https://A.B.C:443/api/beats/agent/XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

I use GoDaddy's wildcard certificate.

Any ideas?

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