Certutil Extended fields

Can anyone explain, is it possible to add information to OU and E fields while generating csr or cert?
In documentation I see option -E <KeyValuePair> is that what I need?
If so, what format of pair -E OU=myunit ? That way I don't see it in generated csr..

Hi Bogdan,

Can you explain what you want to achieve? Not entirely sure what you mean by

OU and E fields

If you want to set the Subject DN for the CSR to a specific value, you can use the --name parameter with csr. This will also set the name of the csr file but this should not be an issue.

Then again, I don't see why you'd want to set that specifically so maybe if you explain your use case, we'll be able to assist you in a more meaningful way.

I would like to add information to fields "Organization Unit" and Email in csr while generating from input file. Is it possible?

Thanks for the clarification Bogdan. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to set these attributes when generating the CSR with elasticsearch-certutil.

You can use other tooling such as openssl to satisfy your use case.

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