Hello and good day! With the pandemic COVID19 lurking around, hope all of you guys are fine
Just a quick question, with the past year, I've been tasked with certain endpoints that require Elasticsearch queries. I'm now in the optimization part, and just so happened I stumble upon the Multi Search or commonly known as msearch
Now with the idea of msearch, I've thought I could lessen the number of searches that I make to our ES servers. Before, I'm making 2 search queries, and now my aim is to have 1 msearch query
Is there a way for the first aggs response of msearch be related to the next aggregations? I mean, is there a way for me to get the response of the first aggs in msearch then past it to the next in run-time?
Example Scenario:
I'm getting the MAX VALUE of a certain field
"aggs" => [
'max' => [
'field' => 'latest.soc_mm_score'
Using the max value above
Please note, the $mxs there, is a PHP based array, it contains the max values form the FIRST AGGS
"aggs" => [
"SVALUE" => [
"terms" => [
"script" => [
double temp = Double.parseDouble((((doc['latest.soc_mm_score'].value * 10) / ".$mxs[$platforms[$p]].").toString()));
return temp;
"size"=> 10000
Thank you in advance for your help!