Change color in historgram

Is it possible in latest version Kibana show error in red color in Discover menu?

What specific Kibana error are you talking about here. Would help if you posted some screenshots to describe the same ...


Here screen + paint. The view which I want to see:

The color is pattern error

The problem is, that I can create diagram in Dashboard, but I need detail.
If I click on diagram, it doesn't show me error.
Imo I need use Discover to find error in common stream. And error should be red color.

I don't think you would be able to do that in Discover - that seems like a stock chart
What exactly do you mean by an error.
Looking at the screenshot I presume that is based on some properties in the data?
if that is the case, then you can create a custom dashboard - one with the chart you need (where you can add filters on errors, and colors them red) , the other with a saved search. May be try these options , it may help.


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