Change kibana port from 5601 to 80 got errors

kibana version using is 4.5

but when I start it up, it shows below error in log file:

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2016-08-04T08:58:53+00:00","tags":["fatal"],"pid":10459,"level":"fatal","message":"listen EACCES","error":{"message":"listen EACCES","name":"Error","stack":"Error: listen EACCES\n at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11)\n at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:893:20)\n at Server._listen2 (net.js:1221:19)\n at listen (net.js:1270:10)\n at net.js:1379:9\n at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.asyncCallback [as callback] (dns.js:64:16)\n at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:83:10)","code":"EACCES"}}

why i am doing this is we cant access the site using mobile phone.

with mobile, it will just give me this error "This site can't be reached, server DNS address could not be found"

but there is no problem to access on desktop or laptop in exactly the same network!!!

Just so I understand correctly, you mean to say this error shows up in the Kibana logs, right?

And this error occurs only when you attempt to access Kibana via a mobile phone, and not via a desktop or laptop? Are you certain that the error occurs at the same time you attempt to access Kibana via a mobile phone? I just want to double-check and make sure the identified cause and effect really are correlated.


What operating system are you using? On Linux ports below 1024 are by default restricted, which means that only root are allowed to start processes that bind to these ports. If you are starting Kibana as a different user (which is recommended) this could explain your issue.

hi, let me make myself clear :slight_smile:

while using port 5601, I can only access through desktop/laptop, can not access through mobile phone. it just show below errors.

this makes me think it might be port issue, so I change to port 80.

after i change to port 80, I have below error in kibana log file, and I can't even access through desktop/laptop.

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2016-08-04T08:58:53+00:00","tags":["fatal"],"pid":10459,"level":"fatal","message":"listen EACCES","error":{"message":"listen EACCES","name":"Error","stack":"Error: listen EACCES\n at Object.exports.errnoException (util.js:870:11)\n at exports.exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:893:20)\n at Server._listen2 (net.js:1221:19)\n at listen (net.js:1270:10)\n at net.js:1379:9\n at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.asyncCallback as callback\n at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup as oncomplete","code":"EACCES"}}

by the way all the change is done by root account. so should not have permission issue.

anyway know what is the reason why under same network mobile phone can not access kibana? how to fix this?

Linux RHEL 6.6. I use root account by the way....

As Christian pointed out, you must run as root if you wish to assign a port below 1024. Otherwise, you will receive an error as you did and Kibana will not startup. Are you no longer receiving that error?

The issue you are probably experiencing doesn't actually have to do with the port, but rather the domain resolution. I see you are referencing it by http://fslelk. Is that the hostname of the machine which is running Kibana? When you mention you are able to access through the desktop/laptop, is this the machine (fslelk) which is running Kibana? In order to remove DNS from the equation, please try and access using the IP address of the machine running Kibana.

hi guys, thanks for the help. it is resolved and we could access through port 5601 now. it was due to firewall as wireless is under another network.