Change logstash logs and temp location

Hi all,
I install logstash on ubunto as a service and i want to change the logs location and the location of the temp folder(were logsrash save the files before execute).
How can i do it?

For the first part see

Can you clarify what you mean by the second part?

i have config file that get files as an input from s3 and add the logs to elasticsearch.
logstash will download the file from s3 to temp folder and then process the file and create bulk operation. after the bulk operation the file deleted from the temp directory and delete from the s3 bucket.
i need to change the folder for the file that are download from the s3.
about the log that you said can i changed it in the /etc/init.d/logstash file?


You can set the log via run time options in /etc/default/logstash.

For the temp directory, the docs have what you want


Don't thank me, thank the docs :stuck_out_tongue:

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