Sorry for my English ))
Tell me how I can change score mode from "sum of" to "max" on nGram field??
Due to the summation, the elasticsearch gives results that do not suit me. I need to get the maximum value, not the amount.
{ "mappings": { "addresses": { "properties": { ........................... "tokensName": { "type": "text", "analyzer": "tokens", "similarity": "scripted_tfidf" } ........................... } } }, "settings": { "similarity": { "scripted_tfidf": { "type": "scripted", "script": { "source": "double tf = 1.0; double idf = 1.0; double norm = 1.0; return query.boost * tf * idf * norm * weight;" } } }, "analysis": { "filter": { "shingle": { "type": "edge_ngram", "min_gram": 1, "max_gram": 20 } }, "analyzer": { "tokens": { "type": "custom", "tokenizer": "whitespace", "filter": [ "lowercase", "shingle" ] } } } } }
{ ........................... "tokensName": "ирпень точный университет" ........................... }
Search query:
{ "size": 5, "query": { "match": { "tokensName": { "query": "ирпень фаворит ун точно", "analyzer": "standard", "fuzziness": "AUTO" } } }, "explain": true }