Changing elasticsearch/kibana IP address

@maissam_asgari Thank you for such as detailed response and looks like you are doing pretty much everything right.... except for 1 last thing, you are so close.

It Turns out once you set / create / manually configure security... you can no longer use the token enrollment process to enroll Kibana .... I wrote this up here.

Ugggh yes sorry about that :frowning:

So all you need to do is manually configure kibana with the following

elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://<elastic_ip_or_host>:9200"]
elasticsearch.username: "kibana_system"
elasticsearch.password: "pass"

# The CA you created the elasticsearch HTTP cert with, copy to where you want and reference it
elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: /etc/kibana/elasticsearch-ca.pem

I think the basic directions are here

If you did not setup the kibana_system user account you can set it up with the command here

Let us know if it works...

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