We have a search index consisting of 206735 web pages (7gb) stored on a Found 2 node cluster with 5 shards. Our _id is the url of the page, so it seems like each domain will get routed to the same shard?
Will this cause us problems with relevancy scoring? I don't fully understand the sparse statistics problem yet.
Should we be using custom routing to shuffle documents across shards more, and/or use less shards?
[quote="Vaughn_Dickson, post:1, topic:33227"]
We have a search index consisting of 206735 web pages (7gb) stored on a Found 2 node cluster with 5 shards. Our _id is the url of the page, so it seems like each domain will get routed to the same shard?[/quote]
Thinking about this question independently of whether or not your particular setup actually suffers from this issue here's what IMHO happens when sharding web pages by domain name:
If we are talking about indexing crawled web pages you will run into different problem though: Looking at the number of pages per domain there's plenty of domains out there that publish only a handful of pages. However there's a few domains (think yahoo.com and the like) that publish tons of pages. As a result I imagine you'd be running into the "one big user" issue described here: One Big User | Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide [2.x] | Elastic
Thanks so much Isabel! That blog post really helped. Our _id is the full URL to the webpage and not just the domain, so I'm guessing we'll have a fairly decent spread across our shards. I'll investigate the hashing algo just in case.
And the global document frequency stats are most likely fairly similar across shards, so I don't think we're going to run into problems.
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