I got many errors like
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.common.breaker.CircuitBreakingException: [parent] Data too large,
data for [indices:data/write/bulk[s]] would be [30897445494/28.7gb], which is larger than
the limit of [30601641984/28.5gb], real usage: [30897441128/28.7gb], new bytes reserved:
[4366/4.2kb], usages [request=311296/304kb, fielddata=70419/68.7kb,
in_flight_requests=1006536/982.9kb, model_inference=0/0b, accounting=342409182/326.5mb]
,when loading huge data to 78 primary shards on 25 nodes in about 3 hours.
The index has about 73,000,000 docs and 20,000,000 docs.deleted, primary shards total size is 200GB, every node has 256GB memory.
es version: 7.12
I deploy a crontab to record _cat/nodes
. It's strange that, headCurrents are about 20GB, some ramPercent is 100 when the error is happenned.