Based on the documentation we should use POST request on __shield/realm/NAME/_cache/clear to clear evicts users from the user cache.
However it looks like that this handler doesnt work anymore...
$ curl -u admin -XPOST Enter host password for user 'admin': No handler found for uri [/_shield/realm/ldap1/_cache/clear] and method [POST]
I still do not know how to accelerate the propagation of the permissions changes. It looks like that you need to be really calm before you upgrade ELK to the newest version.
Maybe better is to wait a little before publish a new "stable" version... updating the whole infra every week is really painfull.
@us3r@michalterbert thank you for bringing this to our attention. In the process of adding a new alias for this API, the prior one was inadvertently removed. As a workaround, you can use the following command:
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