Cloning events from items in an array?

I've seen this done previously with JSON docs. However, I have data coming in as comma separated values like so:

Created jobgroup: XYZ containing jobid(s): ABC,DEF,GHI,JKL,MNO

While I want the jobgroup, I want the jobids to be separate log events nested beneath these items later.

I've used split to create an array from the values, but I'd like to be able to break each jobid into an event. Even if that is iterating through and cloning while marking the root event at the jobgroup level invalid in the output section.


I have and I end up with to events containing the following... seems to clone the array.

 "jobgroup" => "09039daa-f79f-4fe5-aac9-72abb2ceda48",
   "job_ids" => [
    [0] "3ba2b061-ae7c-4b97-ab99-c5bfd4fcae49",
    [1] "9ebe83f8-7fc4-49cd-90e3-603aa4a5d4d2"
 "jobgroup" => "09039daa-f79f-4fe5-aac9-72abb2ceda48",
   "job_ids" => [
    [0] "3ba2b061-ae7c-4b97-ab99-c5bfd4fcae49",
    [1] "9ebe83f8-7fc4-49cd-90e3-603aa4a5d4d2"