Hi, I have question about how to solve the cluster overshard issue sot that things can get back to normal/
Currently, I am renting 2 node in 2 different zone.
And, I've encountered oversharding issue, show in the below picture
I have used Elastic service for past 3 years but never encoutered overshardding issue until I've added Elastic APM service 2 months ago to monitor my applications. Currently, I am mainly using Elastic APM log data to help me do further anaylsis.
But somehow, Elastic APM created so many index, If I understand correctly, each index is composed with at least 1 shard. I am guessing if the oversharding problems is caused by the elastic APM service.(correct me if I am wrong ) As below shows, there are so many small size index.
Could anyone give me a guide how can I fix this issue? I don't want to do scale up yet since I am not sure if the over sharding is simply due to I did not set up some crucial configuration or other thing else.