Clustering with Elasticsearch issues


Think I'm going crazy with this,

Using the latest stable release of Elasticsearch and testing the cluster-function on ubuntu 14.04. They only joins if using:

With 3 VM, I cannot add the line node.master/data, elasticsearch fails to start if I try. Been reading through the docs but cannot see the problem.

If anyone may have a hint, guidence is gold now.


What error are you receiving?

Nothing actually, dont know if I can find more logs but when starting the service, only [fail].

What does your config file look like? Config issues can prevent ES from starting up.

Finding the log file will most likely give some additional information. The default location is /var/log/elasticsearch.

They only joins if using:

Starting with ES 2.0, Elasticsearch only binds to localhost by default and therefore it will never be part of another machine's cluster by default. As such, it makes sense that you need to specify both the actual host address (which is assumed as the network.bind_host and network.publish_host settings).

With 3 VM, I cannot add the line node.master/data, elasticsearch fails to start if I try. Been reading through the docs but cannot see the problem.

This doesn't make much sense to me. Can you elaborate on exactly what you are doing?


After learning ELK with elasticsearch 1.2 (think it was) it makes sense to avoid joining cluster after firing it up.

To refrase, I'm trying to create a master only node (and client later). Im thinking of maybe not enough data nodes or something, or define minimum elig master nodes.
The way from docs, add node.master in a cluster but elasticsearch wont start. I type and node.master as true, still wont start.

If you can provide your config then we can probably help

The only active lines it the elasticsearch.yml is: zion ["", ""]

As soon as I add the line
node.master: true
It is not possible to start elasticsearch service.
Or if I add false
node.master: false
or any other combination from the docs for 2.3.X version.


What shows in the logs if you add that?

Nothing, if I'm not missing anything.
Added log_daemon_msg to the init.d/elasticsearch, no more output than before [fail]
Looking /var/log/elasticsearch, nothing.

My fellow users, no one with a finger pointing for tip/guidence?

It still sounds like a config issue, yaml is sensitive to spaces for eg.
Post your entire config, but make sure you format it in your post using the </> button.

Mark, that's it :slight_smile:
It was the 'space' that caused the problem.
Thank you very much and hopefully I may return the favor someday.
