Collapse, Term Aggregation, Grouping

Hi there,
I am using elasticsearch 7.17 and trying to group result on some field
Here is the query which i am trying to run

GET content-data/_search
  "_source": false,
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "bool": {
            "must": [
                "terms": {
                  "item_type_number": [
          "bool": {
            "must": [
                "term": {
                  "item_type_number": 1
                "terms": {
                  "cluster_id": [
  "collapse": {
    "field": "section_type",
    "inner_hits": {
      "name": "sections",
      "size": 20,
      "sort": [
          "order_id": {
            "order": "ASC"

the issue with this query is that it consumes all of the CPU processing and hence increasing the latency in results. when i run this query with without the field collapse no significant amount of CPU is consumed.
previously i was using term aggregation to group results and retrieve fields but i was facing the same issue and now the collapse field is also becoming the bottleneck.

kindly help me with some mechanism to retrieve the result faster

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