Combination of filter and range

hello everyone ,
i am newbie to Elasticsearch ,

i am having some issue with query searching ..
here is my code

GET /new_product/_search
  "query": {
    "bool" : {
      "filter": [ 
        { "term":  { "category_id": 37 }},
        { "range": { "price": { "gte": 2000,"lte":3000 }}}

but the problem is its showing unwanted result as below

  "took" : 3,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 18,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 0.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "new_product",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "14",
        "_score" : 0.0,
        "_source" : {
          "store_name_arabic" : "مجوهرات أناند",
          "price" : "249.38",
          "made_in" : 1,
          "parent_product_id" : 0,
          "badge_title_en" : null,
          "name_arabic" : "قلادة المرتعشة عيار 21 قيراط",
          "store_owner_id" : 2,
          "serial_number" : "13356652",
          "premium_buy" : "0",
          "length" : 0,
          "style_id" : 0,
          "created_admin" : 1,
          "sku" : "A2002354",
          "factor_liverate" : 18.5,
          "description_ar" : "قلادة المرتعشة عيار 21 قيراط",
          "sub_total" : "279.04",
          "making_cost_type" : "per_gram",
          "category_id" : 37,
          "material_cost" : "0",
          "brand_id" : 0,
          "calculation_factor" : "0.0106195739549839",
          "net_weight" : 13.48,
          "purity_title_ar" : "21k(875)",
          "meta_keywords" : "",
          "metal_color_id" : 3,
          "modified_at" : "2021-01-05T09:29:50.000Z",
          "status" : "active",
          "height" : 0,
          "product_type" : "regular",
          "try_at_home" : null,
          "meta_title" : "",
          "tag_line_1" : "قلادة المرتعشة مع الليرات Almortaash Necklace with coins",
          "last_stock_update" : null,
          "available_for" : "both",
          "making_cost" : "2.2",
          "final_making_cost" : "29.66",
          "final_making_cost_discount_amount" : "0",
          "store_owner_type" : null,
          "gender" : "2",
          "tax_id" : 2,
          "final_tax_amount" : "13.95",
          "metal_type_id" : 1,
          "buy_back" : "yes",
          "jewellery_type_id" : 1,
          "purity_title_en" : "21k(875)",
          "sub_category_id" : 43,
          "product_id" : 14,
          "final_price" : "292.99",
          "product_alias_name" : "",
          "metal_purity_id" : 2,
          "store_address" : "Shop No6",
          "click_count" : 82,
          "no_of_pieces" : 1,
          "@timestamp" : "2021-10-11T13:28:20.269Z",
          "price_per_gram" : "0",
          "approved_note" : null,
          "return" : "yes",
          "decline_note" : null,
          "metal_type_title_en" : "Gold",
          "created_at" : "2021-01-05T09:29:50.000Z",
          "tag_line_2" : "جمال الذهب البحريني الأصيل Bahrini Gold",
          "badge_title_ar" : null,
          "badge_id" : 0,
          "saleable_weight" : 13.48,
          "occasion" : "1,2",
          "return_days" : 30,
          "exchange" : "yes",
          "created_other" : null,
          "design_id" : 0,
          "main_image" : "",
          "meta_url" : "21k-necklace-21nb",
          "meta_description" : "                                                                            ",
          "displayorder" : 25,
          "store_id" : 2,
          "inventory_stock" : 1,
          "diamond_type" : null,
          "width" : 0,
          "description_en" : "21K NECKLACE (21NB)",
          "addons" : "",
          "average_rating" : "0",
          "name_english" : "21K NECKLACE (21NB)",
          "store_name_english" : "Anand Jewellers",
          "design_group_id" : 0,
          "making_cost_discount" : 0,
          "is_price_fixed" : "no",
          "@version" : "1"

the price must be between 2000 and 3000 but its giving 249.38 which is not valid , can anyone please help me with this issue ?

The price field has been indexed as a string. If you look at the resulting document, the value is surrounded by two quotes. As a result, the range query executes a string range query, rather than a numerical, which is not what you want.

The best solution is to fix your data ingestion process, so that price is indexed as a number, by removing those quotes.

Note that you will have to create a new index (or delete the current one and recreate it), as the price field has now been defined as a text field in that index' mappings (data schema), and there's no way to change an existing mapping.

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