Combining multiple beats into a single agent

We have a use case where we need multiple beats like filebeat,metricbeat,execbeat and many other community beats and also we are planning to write our own custom beats for other requirements. But running these many agents in production is a big no no. So is there a way where i can merge all these beats into a single beat and run as a single agent. If combining these many beats is an issue, is there a way to run atleast filebeat and metricbeat as one single agent.

Do you encounter the issue of running multiple Beats because it makes it difficult to manage multiple processes? Would be sufficient for you to use a tool like supervisord to manage multiple Beats? Or the problem appears when you need to run multiple processes simultaneously in production, and you prefer to combine them together into a single executable?

Its the second case and we need to combine them together into a single executable.

I want to have a single executable like a beat with abilities of metricbeat and filebeat. For example if i run it like this ./combinedBeat -c config.file it should start monitoring some files like filebeat and push that data to a kafka topic and also start sending system metrics to a different kafka topic or elasticsearch.

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