Comparing the result(sum count) of 2 aggregations - ElasticSearch

Hi all,

I am relatively new to Elasticsearch and am trying to write a script that is supposed to compare two different aggregations.

For example, I have 2 sum aggregations of the same field, but calculated at 2 different time
intervals, as shown below.

2xxCount = {

    "_source": {
        "includes": [ "indexname",  "tags"] },

 "query": {
        "bool" : {
            "must" : { "match" : { "tags" : "sample_tag" }  },
            "must" : {"range" : {"logdate" : {"gte": "now", "lte": "now-1d/d"}}}              
 "size" : 0,    
 "aggs" : {
          "total_2xx_count_today": {"sum" : {  "field": "2xx_count" }}


2xxLast2Days = {

    "_source": {
        "includes": [ "indexname",  "tags"] },

 "query": {
        "bool" : {
            "must" : { "match" : { "tags" : "sample_tag" }  },
            "must" : {"range" : {"logdate" : {"gte": "now", "lte": "now-2d/d"}}}              
 "size" : 0,    
 "aggs" : {
          "total_2xx_count_yesterday": {"sum" : {  "field": "2xx_count" }}


Note that these aggregations are in 2 different body (2xxCount and 2xxLast2Days).

This returns the count of the 2xx calculated during those 2 time intervals. Is there any way I can compare the result of these 2 aggregations? Ideally, what I am trying to do is check if the count is increasing on specific days compared to other days.

Any help is appreciated!

Hi @Kaushik123,

You can try like in the example bellow to have only one request and 2 aggregations results... check the doc it will be more easy to understand:

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