Compatibility issues in Watcher?

PUT _watcher/watch/my-watch
"trigger" : {
"schedule" : { "cron" : "0 0/1 * * * ?" }
"input" : {
"search" : {
"request" : {
"indices" : [
"body" : {
"query" : {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match": { "response": 404 }
"filter": {
"range": {
"@timestamp" : {
"from": "{{ctx.trigger.scheduled_time}}||-5m",
"to": "{{ctx.trigger.triggered_time}}"
"condition" : {
"script" : " > 1"
"actions" : {
"email_admin" : {
"email" : {
"to" : "",
"subject" : "404 recently encountered"

"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "script_exception",
"reason": "failed to compile script [ScriptException[scripts of type [inline], operation [elasticsearch-watcher_watch] and lang [groovy] are disabled]] with lang [ > 1] of type [groovy]"
"type": "script_exception",
"reason": "failed to compile script [ScriptException[scripts of type [inline], operation [elasticsearch-watcher_watch] and lang [groovy] are disabled]] with lang [ > 1] of type [groovy]"
"status": 500

Allright this issue was resolved via:

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