Composite aggregation total bucket count after bucket selector


Elasticsearch: 8.3.3

Below i use composite aggregation, then filtered aggregation and finally bucket selector. It returns all the buckets in a paginated way. But what I need is total count of buckets, not the buckets itself. Is there a solution to this? Since the unique number of customers is too big I use composite agregation instead of normal bucket aggregation.

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": [
          "terms": {
            "yearweek": [
              "2024-18", "2024-19", "2024-20", "2024-21", "2024-22", "2024-23",
              "2024-24", "2024-25", "2024-26", "2024-27", "2024-28", "2024-29",
              "2024-30", "2024-31"
  "aggs": {
        "customers_composite": {
          "composite": {
            "sources": [
              {"customers_agg": {"terms": {"field": "customer.keyword"}}}
            "size": 10000
          "aggs": {
            "last_week_count": {
              "filter": {"term": {"yearweek": "2024-31"}}
            "previous_weeks_count": {
              "filter": {
                "terms": {
                  "yearweek": [
                    "2024-18", "2024-19", "2024-20", "2024-21", "2024-22", "2024-23",
                    "2024-24", "2024-25", "2024-26", "2024-27", "2024-28", "2024-29",
            "only_last_period": {
              "bucket_selector": {
                "buckets_path": {
                  "currentPeriod": "last_week_count._count",
                  "previousPeriods": "previous_weeks_count._count"
                "script": "params.currentPeriod > 0 && params.previousPeriods == 0"

any response from the Elastic Team?