I'm trying to use logstash (v 1.4.5) to increment a counter in statsd, based on a pattern match in an haproxy httplog file.
I am already sending various metrics from each line in the file, but I'm now trying to add a count of the number of lines where the path requested matches /important/path
. I'm currently trying to do this by adding a tag and then a conditional output which only comes into effect if that tag is detected.
At the moment I'm struggling with getting it to work, so I though I would ask for help. I have checked in the rubydebug
output that the pattern matching and tagging appears to work, but I'm getting no output to statsd, as far as I can tell so far.
If anyone has any insight on how I might get this to work, I'd be grateful.
My configuration looks like this:
input {
file {
type => "haproxy"
path => "/var/log/haproxy/haproxy.log"
filter {
if [type] == "haproxy" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{HAPROXYHTTP}" }
if [http_request] =~ /^\/important\/path$/ {
mutate { add_tag => "tagged_important" }
output {
if [type] == "haproxy" {
statsd {
host => "statsd-host"
count => [
"haproxy.%{frontend_name}.%{backend_name}.%{server_name}.response_size", "%{bytes_read}"
increment => [
timing => [
"haproxy.%{frontend_name}.%{backend_name}.%{server_name}.response_time", "%{time_duration}",
"haproxy.%{frontend_name}.%{backend_name}.%{server_name}.queue_time", "%{time_queue}",
<snip snip more like this>
"haproxy.%{frontend_name}.%{backend_name}.%{server_name}.response_size", "%{bytes_read}"
if [tagged_important] in [tags] {
statsd {
host => "statsd-host"
increment => [
stdout { codec => rubydebug }