My events are json with about 4-5 top level fields. I am using the http output plugin to send the events to an http endpoint running on my Flask app. However, I am getting a 400 error code for each event sent. I am not sure whats wrong. Its also quite hard to find help on the different parts of the http output options. I am not sure how to structure the config files. Currently all I have are the "url" and "http_method" fields set. I used a "json" input codec so the events should already be in a json format.
Any help or suggestion is appreciated, I am willing to try anything. My config file is as follows :
input {
twitter {
consumer_key => ""
consumer_secret => ""
oauth_token => ""
oauth_token_secret => ""
full_tweet => true
use_samples => true
codec => json
filter {
if [coordinates] {
else {
drop {}
prune {
whitelist_names => ["^coordinates", "^created_at", "^favorite_count", "^lang$", "^place", "^possibly_sensitiv$e", "^retweet_count$", "^text$", "timestamp"]
http {
url => ""
http_method => "POST"