Need help with a 2XX HTTP code 400 Error

I am receiving the [ERROR][logstash.outputs.http][HTTP Output Failure] Encountered non-2XX HTTP code 400 {:response_code=>400, :url"https://some url:8086/write?db=db", :event=>%{host} %{message}, will_retry=>false

The configuration file is shown below:

input {
  tcp {
    id => "endpoint"
    type => 'endpoint'
    port => "9000"
    codec => "json"
    enable_metric => "false"
    ssl_enable => "false"

filter {
  if [type] == "endpoint" {
    ruby {
      code => "
        dig = even.get('timeliness')
        process = dig['entries'][0]['label']
        diff = dig['entries'][0]['end'] - dig['entries'][0]['start']
        header = event.get('[header]')
        count = header['intercepts'].to_f
       remove_field => ["timeliness"]
    mutate {
      add_field => {"hostname" => "%{[header][hostname]}"}
      add_field => {"time" => "%{[header][timestamp]}"}
      remove_field => ["header", "uuid"]

output {
  if [type] == "endpoint" {
    http {
      http_method => "post"
      url => "https://some url:8086/write?db=db"
      format => "message"
      message => "endpoint,process=%{[process]},hostname=%{[hostname]}
      process_time= %{[process_time]},avg_time=%{[avg]},count=%{[count]} %{[time]}"
      truststore =? "location/of/trustore"
      trustore_password => "trust_store_password"

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