Error with http-plugin output Encountered non-2xx HTTP code 400


I am trying to send a notification from Logstash to our Teams channel, using HTTP plugin however I am getting :

[HTTP Output Failure] Encountered non-2xx HTTP code 400 {:response_code=>400

and this is my output configuration:

output {
  # sent  notification from logstash output to Teams channel
  if  [loglevel] == "ERROR" and [message] !~ /Requested number range/ {
    http {
      url => ""
      http_method => "post"
      format => "json"
      content_type => "application/json"
      message => {
        "text" => "Error log detected  Here is the event that triggered this alert"
      proxy => ""

    stdout {
      codec => json_lines


Hi @bilal_adoui

I am facing the same issue. Did you manage to fix it ?

Best, B.


Try changing your message field to something like this:

message => '{ "text": "Error log detected. Here is the event that triggered this alert." }'


Unfortunately not yet, seems it's a bug.

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