Configure question

I am trying to get logstash to work on AWS. I keep getting a "Connection timeout" error, and I'm wondering if the endpoint parameters are ok. In the doc, it says I should set "localhost" in the output host, but that doesn't work.

docker run mantika/logstash-dynamodb-streams -e '                                                           
input {                                                                                                     
        dynamodb{endpoint => ""                                             
        streams_endpoint => ""                                      
        view_type => "new_and_old_images"                                                                   
        aws_access_key_id => "xxx"                                                         
        aws_secret_access_key => "xxx"                                 
        table_name => "users"}                                                                              
filter {                                                                                                    
        dynamodb {}                                                                                         
output {                                                                                                    
                { hosts => "" }  
stdout {}                                                                                                   

Running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS