Connect Hive to Elasticsearch 6.2.3


I use Hortonworks and I created a single-node cluster, I installed elasticsearch and kibana (6.2.3).
I downloaded the jar file elasticsearch-hadoop-6.2.3.jar and added it in hive-site.xml file with the property name hive.aux.jars.path.

I have database named hosix.

I created an external table like this :
STORED BY 'org.elasticsearch.hadoop.hive.EsStorageHandler'
TBLPROPERTIES('es.resource' = 'hosix/test');

But when I want to select or loaded this table (select or insert queries) It shows me the following error :

moved this into the hadoop forum

We've seen some issues in the past with specifying jars using the hive aux jars path. Have you tried using the ADD JAR directive in the hive script to see if that works?

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