Today I accedentily connected Kibana 6.7 to Elasticsearch running 6.5 but after this normal users are not able to log in anymore from the main kibana 6.5 instance. The error is: Oops, error. Try again.
The admin account has no problems logged in.
I checked and found there now are to kibana indeces, .kibana_1 and .kibana_2. Could this be the problem and if so, how can I correct this?
Actually the alias is already pointing to the oldest index (older by 30 seconds, .kibana_2). I tried changing to alias to kibana_1 but that results in an error when trying to access Kibana. I was lucky to have a window open to change the alias back.
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"}
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