Connecting Merticbeat to AWS


I'm having trouble connecting Merticbeat to AWS. I have setup user with a policy assigned with the required access level, generated keys for the user to connect.

Loaded the credentials I to the Aws yml file both directly and by using the credentials file.

Both ways matric loads up fine but doesn't pull any data, I get not errors nothing in the logs etc.. to say it can't connect any doesn't have the right permissions.

Looking at the Aws user it looks like it has never connected.

Is it possible to get more output from Merticbeat to give some form of indication as to the issue?


Ok, testing with AWS CLI didn't work, so I added proxy setting which not allow me to run a successful aws sts get-caller-identity

Now in my logs I get the following:

[aws.elb]#011aws/aws.go:107#011failed to get caller identity, please check permission setting: RequestError: send request failed
metricbeat: caused by: Post dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:443: connect: connection timed out

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