Connection errors if not "localhost" used

I have installed ELK tools and also packetbeat and topbeat

When I configure them to send logs through localhost; there is no errors. However, when I typed the exact ip address of my machine, error pops out.

16/05/25 05:34:49.972415 single.go:126: INFO Connecting error publishing events (retrying): Head dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
2016/05/25 05:34:49.972442 single.go:152: INFO send fail
2016/05/25 05:34:49.972456 single.go:159: INFO backoff retry: 2s

Anyone have any ideas to resolve it?
Thanks in advance.

What does SSL have to do with this then?

When I use another machine to send to my server, it comes with another sentence, stating

16/05/25 05:34:49.972415 single.go:126: INFO Connecting error publishing events (retrying): Head dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
2016/05/25 05:34:49.972442 single.go:152: INFO send fail
2016/05/25 05:34:49.972456 single.go:159: INFO backoff retry: 2s

That's the same thing as your first bit of logs?

Maybe this will be clear.

I have two machines.

  1. ELK server
  2. client

When configuring beats file (topbeat.yml) to use elasticsearch as output and the host as localhost:9200, then everything is smooth without error. However, when I turn localhost:9200 to, the first pile of errors come out

Then when I set up topbeat.yml in the client using elasticsearch as output and the host as, the second pile of error comes out

Ahh I can see you have update the topic, now it makes more sense!

Can you contact ES via from the host that filebeat is running on?

I didnt run on any filebeat
Is it a must to run filebeat

Sorry, packetbeat or topbeat.

How to check if it is contacting the ES? I can only see the beats are reading logs when I run the yml with - "publish"

Use telnet to see if it can connect.

No, it says connection refused when telnet IP 9200

Do you have ES listening to that IP? What's in your config?

Oh I have changed the elasticsearch.yml networkhost to
then everything is ok now
What's the reason though

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Thanks for the guide. Great Thx.
I have come across another problem, not sure you have any ideas about it?