Connection performance Logstash => Logstash (Lumberjack protocol) - solution performance
I have a question about Logstash => Logstash connection (data flow between two different Logstashes on different physical machines) using output/input lumberjack.
What are the performance capabilities of such a solution?
Of course I understand - many variables.
I put together such a connection between two Logstash instances.
For a while everything is working around the other logstash adds some documents to Elasticsearch... After a short while, however, information about slowing down and turning off a given pipeline appears in the logs.
The system does not have a very large load (system load in Linux).
On these systems there are only Logstash instances.
These are not weak hardware solutions (dedicated 8-core Xeon and 32 GB RAM - 16 GB for Java).
The data stream is not very large.
For example, can Lumbejack be a limitation for 25 Mbps?