Connection pooling in Python

I am using python to connect to elastic search DB cluster.
No. of nodes = 3, each node has a user id and password

I am trying to implement connection pooling, referred the documentation for python api at:
...under the " Connection Pool" section...but could not get it to work.

Can someone please point me to a working example to implement connection pooling using python

Thanks & Regards,

I got this to work...sample code below....

from elasticsearch import Transport

qry = {"query": {"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"extension": "css"}}, {"match": {"machine.os": "ios"}}]}}}

transport = Transport([{'host': '<your_host1>'}, {'host': '<your_host2>'}], http_auth=('<your_user>', '<user_password>'))
print('no of connections in connection pool before adding connection = ' + str(len(transport.connection_pool.connections)))
#you may increase the range value from 2 to required no. as per your requirement
for cntr in range(2):
	transport.add_connection({'host': '<your_host1>'})
	transport.add_connection({'host': '<your_host2>'})
print('no of connections in connection pool after adding connection = ' + str(len(transport.connection_pool.connections)))
cnn1 = transport.get_connection()
cnn2 = transport.get_connection()
cnn3 = transport.get_connection()
cnn4 = transport.get_connection()
cnn5 = transport.get_connection()
cnn6 = transport.get_connection()
cnn7 = transport.get_connection()
cnn8 = transport.get_connection()
cnn9 = transport.get_connection()
cnn10 = transport.get_connection()

result = transport.perform_request(method='GET', url='/<index_name_to_query>/_search', body=qry)
for doc in result['hits']['hits']:
	print('got data...')

except Exception as e:

Hi @ssharma7884,

You do not need to call directly the Transport class.

You can just initialize the Elaticsearch class and you can access all functions.

Check the link to see examples:

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Hi bry-c,
Thanks for the link.
I was initially using the Elasticsearch class as below:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
elastic_conn = Elasticsearch(['<my_host>'], http_auth=('<my_user>', '<my_user_pwd>'))
qry = {"query": {"bool": {"must": [{"match": {"extension": "css"}}, {"match": {"machine.os": "ios"}}]}}}
res ="<my_index_name>", body=qry)
for doc in res['hits']['hits']:
print('got data...')

But, I need to implement connection pooling at server start up & use a connection from this pool (by using --> transport.get_connection()) for all future queries. I could not find a link to implement connection pooling using the above, hence did connection pooling using the "Transport" class.

How can I implement connection pooling (at server start up) as per your link?

Thanks & Regards,

Hi @ssharma7884,

If you use django you can create one module inside your project folder.

import elasticsearch
from django.conf import settings

es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(settings.ELASTIC_SERVER, **settings.ELASTIC_CONFIG)

The es instance will only initialize once on start up.
Elasticsearch instance already create a pool of connection from the provided array of hosts.

Then you can use it like this in other module.

from es_conn import es

es.exists(index='index_name', doc_type='doc', id='123')

Thanks for your comments.
I am using flask & apache2. My existing connection pooling implementation is similar to what you have mentioned.
After your reply, I re-read the following links/sections which gave me the required details & clarifications I had missed out initially
elasticsearch-py uses persistent connections inside of individual connection pools (one per each configured or sniffed node)
By default we allow urllib3 to open up to 10 connections to each node, if your application calls for more parallelism, use the maxsize parameter to raise the limit:

#maxsize parameter for connection poolsize
es = Elasticsearch(["host1", "host2"], maxsize=25)


  1. Here, I am assuming that the parameter "maxsize" is for no. of persistent connections per confirgured node.
  2. As per the thread-safety link above :
    If your application is long-running consider turning on Sniffing to make sure the client is up to date on the cluster location.

My application is long running almost 24x7, so should I turn on sniffing mechanism?

Thanks & Regards,
Sachin Vyas.

I also came across the following 2 links, which provided further clarification:

Refer the "maxsize" parameter comments under the above link & also the link:

Thanks & Regards,
Sachin Vyas.

Hi @ssharma7884,

Yes it’s better to enable sniffing as mentioned in the documentation.

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